Intro With a new bear market settling in, new opportunities for a prosperous investment can feel few and far between. However, this current bear market caused by the COVID-19 crisis feels like a new beast entirely. In many ways, the US’ economy has been turned upside-down by this infectious disease. So, where are you supposed to turn to make an even moderately successful investment? The truth is, there is no one secret to finding investment...
Intro When it comes to managing your personal finances, paying someone else to decide where to put your money may feel counter-intuitive. After all, who knows and understands your financial needs and goals better than you? Well, the truth is that a financial professional is far better suited to the task. Hiring a financial professional could be one of the best financial moves you make this year. Their utility is far greater than your capacity...
It’s daunting to think about the day when you may not be able to live independently and care for yourself. But planning early for long-term care can keep you from becoming overwhelmed in the event that you develop a chronic illness, disability or other condition. By planning your care now, you’ll be more likely to have greater control over significant decisions and remain comfortable as you get older. Here are some ways that you can...
Miles McDannald |
Retirement can invoke a mix of conflicting emotions from anticipation to fear, excitement to anxiety. It’s one of the biggest life changes we experience in our adult lives. Most of us anticipate and save for it for decades. But, going from receiving a paycheck for most of your adult life to living off the wealth you have amassed is no doubt an unnerving transition. Have I saved enough to live off of? How will I...
You’re probably aware that there are many options for retirement planning including 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, and more. Some of the more common plans are employer-sponsored ones like 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and 457(b)s. These arrangements have higher contribution limits and let employees save for retirement on a post-tax or a tax-deferred basis, which is more typical. However, as individuals move from job to job or employer to employer, they are faced with decisions about what to...
Are you anxious about rising higher education costs? College can be a valuable experience, but it’s becoming less affordable since costs are growing at approximately 6% each year, which is more than twice the inflation rate. However, with the proper foresight and knowledge, you can utilize different investment vehicles to increase the likelihood that your loved ones will have minimal or no student debt. Some accounts, such as 529 plans, have multiple tax advantages that...
Miles McDannald |
The digital world has transformed professional industries in unique ways that prior to internet access would have been impossible. Doctors can monitor patients remotely, lawyers can offer counsel online, software can complete your taxes for you, and even financial investments and advertisements can be made without any face-to-face contact. To some this would sound ludicrous and to others it sounds convenient, but one thing is for certain—the robo-advisor is another option that’s here to stay...
4 Reasons You May Consider Keeping It When it comes to retaining life insurance in retirement, there are two schools of thought regarding its necessity. The primary purpose of life insurance is to protect your family against a loss of income should you or your spouse pass away. Life insurance benefits are especially important for individuals who still have dependents or have accrued a significant amount of debt. So, if you don’t fit this description...
Many people dream of the day they can leave work behind and start pursuing their lifelong dreams. But for most people, you’ll need to achieve financial stability and independence before you can leave behind your day-to-day job in exchange for a more fulfilling path. This is where the increasingly-popular financial independence, retire early (FIRE) movement comes in. The basis of the FIRE movement is quite simple: Save and aggressively invest a large percentage of your...
The Coronavirus pandemic has affected us all in ways that we didn’t anticipate at the start of the year, especially when it comes to our finances. And unfortunately, just as federal emergency benefits are starting to run out, signs of a second wave of the virus are looming—and some may even say it’s already here. The good news is that there are ways to protect your finances in the event of a second wave of...
Miles McDannald |
There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States. Many people start their own businesses in order to become their own boss and take control over their schedules, career goals and finances. It can be incredibly rewarding to start and own a successful small business. But one thing that many small business owners may not think about is a retirement plan. As a business owner, you may assume that family members will take...
Justin McDannald |
Intro If you’ve been investing in stocks or bonds for several years, you may feel like you’re beginning to get a hang of this precarious trade. At this point, you may be making plans to diversify your portfolio or research a more complex investment strategy. But in reality, you should be using this time to get back to the basics. Regardless of how long or how much you’ve invested, there’s never a bad time to...